Sunday, September 18, 2016


  • Chicago officials have decided to expand the use of police-worn body cameras throughout the city following a pilot program that began in 2015 but has raised questions about whether officers always turn on the devices.

    Police Supt. Eddie Johnson is expected to announce Sunday that all 22 police districts will be equipped with body cameras for every officer on every shift. The number of cameras will rise from 2,000 now to about 7,000 by 2018. The expansion is expected to cost $8 million, paid for through city funding and grants.

    The pilot program began in January 2015 in the Shakespeare District on the Northwest Side. This year, the department expanded the program to the Austin, Wentworth, Deering, Ogden, South Chicago and Gresham districts.

    “Body cameras have proven to be a valuable tool in promoting departmental accountability and trust while providing a firsthand look into the dangerous situations Chicago police officers face every day to protect our communities,” Johnson said.
In addition to no cameras on the mayor's detail, we heard there won't be cameras at CompStat, at HQ and not at any promotional testing sites or secret study groups.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may or may not prove to be a logistical nightmare.

9/18/2016 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Please bring the cameras to every district so this way everyone else can slow down with the proactive shit.

Remember. Those cameras are there to watch you not them and don't think for a second that someone isn't reviewing them to Monday morning quarterback you.

9/18/2016 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The corrupt mayor emanuel should have to wear a body camera then. He works for the taxpayers too. If he wants to preach transparency so much then lead by example and stop being such a shady, typically-corrupt hypocrite.

9/18/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 7000 cameras? I thought everyone was to have one. Shouldn't that be about 13000 cameras?

Never mind!

9/18/2016 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like by 2018 we will have homicide numbers like back in the 90's. You think officers are "fetal" now??
Just wait .....

9/18/2016 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a great success, maybe the cameras should be expanded to all city departments for all city workers.

9/18/2016 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only someone could hack some of these cameras to make them always on. It would be a public service to hear Rahmbo and the Fifty Thieves in action. I wonder if the DOJ could make that happen? Hmmm?

9/18/2016 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To achieve true departmental accountability , the cameras must be worn at the highest levels of management .

9/18/2016 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When does Officer JVD trial begin? I assume it's soon? I just hope it's during a cold winter.

9/18/2016 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

someone should tell the media yo look at the total number of cameras ordered to show how low we are in number of officers..

9/18/2016 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

L plan on turning on my camera for the entire tour.

9/18/2016 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares? Bring em on, it's not like i'm doing anything...

9/18/2016 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can only hope that the right minded people that still live in Chicago will file FOIA's for the coverage of the everyday goings on at crime scenes, protests, prayer vigils, "block parties", etc etc etc.
Show the world what police all over urban America deal with on a daily basis.
Show the world what "the community" is really like.
It will be an eye opener to many.

God Bless the CPD.
God Bless America.

9/18/2016 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That means we only have 7000 officers! WOW! Where are all those budgeted salaries? 5400 short! Look no further at why there is all the violence! No patrolmen on the streets!

9/18/2016 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saturation also getting cameras

9/18/2016 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what he's saying is that there are only 7,000 officers and sergeants (they have to wear the cameras too) working the streets in patrol?? Across three shifts?? Counting day-off groups, medical sickness, injured on duties, furloughs, three watches, the 15% allowed off everyday, and we are hoving around maybe 2,000 officers patrolling the streets of a city with about 2 million people and an estimated 150,000 gang members??? There's the reason why shootings are up, clearances are down, morale is down......

9/18/2016 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will FTO's have to drag their PPO's infront of a sgt for every violation that is caught on camera? or will the city make FTO's supervisors they can do it themselves?

9/18/2016 07:35:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The privileged won't have to.

9/18/2016 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


All my camera will show is me hitting the hole and watching the squirrels in the parks!

Stay fetal!

9/18/2016 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valuable tool ? Ok, when is the Bobby Rush traffic stop footage going to be released ? The one where the officers acted with nothing but professionalism - yet he beefs and says he was profiled ?

9/18/2016 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is 007 and 011.
The deadliest districts.
Where all is black on black crime happens.

9/18/2016 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With body cameras all shootings, murders and acts of terrorism will cease. The feds encourage, mandate and then fund such cameras. If these cameras are so good, how come they don't wear them? And when will the federal government release their findings of their shootings along with all associated videos? The feds cannot be sued in their shootings and they are above scrutiny by community activists, pastors and civil rights coalitions. Double standard? Absolutely. Let the feds have their good names smeared like the lowly non-federal law enforcement and I will submit to you there is a level playing field.

Body cameras work every time they are tried. Just ask the defense attorneys, civil trial lawyers,the radical subversive hate America crowd and the George Soros funded organizations.

9/18/2016 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic. Please start thread on off duty officer killed in MCY accident. RIP, Guy.

9/18/2016 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't trust the videos to exonerate your actions when faced with members of the public who have no respect for authority and have a consistent track record of breaking civilized society's rules. Too many people are trying to make money off your actions through civil suits. The police oversight organizations seek to maintain and justify their lucrative positions seizing opportunities to criticize police in the face of overwhelming on the spot ignorance. The gold star bosses are lapdogs for political figureheads. The top bosses will sacrifice you to get to the next rung in the chain of command. Sworn police doing actual police work are just pawns in so many hustles.

9/18/2016 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will be no cameras on the 14 coppers working in our districts Admin office , nor on the 2 Tact secretaries, or the 8 CAPS officers......
Where's the transparency and accountability there??

9/18/2016 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RIP brother CPD mva central @ 55:

9/18/2016 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Special Ed going to wear a body cam, and turn it on, like he said he would? Or was that just something that sounded good when he said it, but he never had any real intention of doing it?


9/18/2016 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about requiring aldermen wear them as well!?

9/18/2016 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More cameras will lead to more camera malfunctions. To higher suspicion when the camera fails. To more public scrutiny on high profile shootings. It's simple math...

9/18/2016 09:29:00 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

And what politically heavy donor will get the account?

9/18/2016 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to like the idea of wearing a camera. Then I realized that the media will edit everything out of context to F the police.

9/18/2016 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

s said...
Only 7000 cameras? I thought everyone was to have one. Shouldn't that be about 13000 cameras?

Never mind!

Are you really that stupid?? They are not take home cameras.

9/18/2016 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Download as much of the steering wheel as possible.

Who has the repair and service contract for these devices, can't be the 5 man-14 supervisor tech services crew.
Who maintains the Cloud service for the data, can't be CPD antiquated servers.
So for only $8mil the problems with feral urban predators will be solved?

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a settlement is worth millions of dollars.
The best practice is to Stay Fetal.

9/18/2016 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry by 2018 half will be broken the city won't pay the company that takes care of em fixes em etc. and no one will have cameras. Same shit all the time with this dept.

9/18/2016 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about cameras in the specialized units. How about for detectives.

9/18/2016 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how much storage will cost. Those pesky costs on the back end will come back and folks will be asking, how did this happen?

9/18/2016 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the storage fees pile up,,,,,Taser Intl is the keeper of that cloud

9/18/2016 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will FTO's have to drag their PPO's infront of a sgt for every violation that is caught on camera? or will the city make FTO's supervisors they can do it themselves?
isn't it the job of the FTO to train new cops not to engage in such behaviour? If the new cops know some behaviour is inappropriate and do it anyway that behaviour needs to be brought to the attention of supervisors.

9/18/2016 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no camera for mayors detail
what is he hiding

9/18/2016 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Only 7000 cameras? I thought everyone was to have one. Shouldn't that be about 13000 cameras?

Never mind!

Wow. Please tell me you're not that dumb.

9/18/2016 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does my Go-Pro camera have a 100 percent success rate and these multi million dollar purchase cameras fail so much???

just sayn'...

9/18/2016 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Only 7000 cameras? I thought everyone was to have one. Shouldn't that be about 13000 cameras?

Never mind!
9/18/2016 12:36:00 AM

Anonymous said...
That means we only have 7000 officers! WOW! Where are all those budgeted salaries? 5400 short! Look no further at why there is all the violence! No patrolmen on the streets!
9/18/2016 05:52:00 AM


Uh, you DO know we don't take the cameras home and wear them for 24hrs, right?
They are shared equipment. Every single officer does not get one camera.
(More like, one camera gets used by two to three officers in a 24hr period.)
You DO know they get taken off and handed to the next shift, right?

9/18/2016 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Valuable tool ? Ok, when is the Bobby Rush traffic stop footage going to be released ? The one where the officers acted with nothing but professionalism - yet he beefs and says he was profiled ?
9/18/2016 07:59:00 AM

I don't know how Rush could get away with saying he won't allow the release.
He's a PUBLIC FIGURE. He doesn't get to claim privacy in a traffic stop on the public way.

9/18/2016 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


All my camera will show is me hitting the hole and watching the squirrels in the parks!

Stay fetal!

9/18/2016 07:57:00 AM

My sentiments, exactly.

9/18/2016 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real people that need cameras are our elected officials

9/18/2016 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If cameras are really so great why not have a public site where anyone can download any and all camera footage. Let the public peek into the democrat zoo that confronts police every day..

9/18/2016 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to thank special ED and RAHMuLIN for making the FOP's job much easier.

With all these cameras about and 24 hours a footage a day do you actually think someone does not make a mistake every shift?

And if you notice the FEDs are looking at cases that are a decade old?
Do you think IAD will head hunt and start pulling old video footage to hang out to dry problem employees?

FETAL will become an old timers word and ABORTED may become the new catch phrase.

And i am sorry i stopped donating to fundraiser for hard chargers but if your injured i will kick in.

9/18/2016 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By those numbers that means there are approximately 5,000 house mice hiding indoors and not working the ever so violent streets of this city! God forgive the clouted heathens..

9/18/2016 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe this would be great news for Inspectors log. How easy to pull up anyone's job and critique every action against general orders and rules. Maybe Academy refresher courses too?

9/18/2016 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an idea. How about putting a camera on every known drug dealer and gangbanger in Chicago. This way we can hold them accountable for THEIR ACTIONS as well. Oh wait...That would be demeaning and racist.

9/18/2016 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow only 7000 cameras. I guess no cameras for the rest of the 5,500 officers the city claims. No extra cameras for when they break down. So those 7,000 will be down to 3t00 very quickly seeing as the city always gets the best non-connected vendor.

9/18/2016 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All recordings made on crime scenes waiting for the lab will be subpoenaed along with the officer who wore the camera to explain why he contaminated the scene along with his supervisors after they fucked everything up by walking through the scene touching everything. Many suspensions looming. Don't volunteer to guard any scene. Don't get caught on video inside the yellow tape.See you at 26th st.

9/18/2016 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring it on! the public should see what we do day to day This being said, I think every occupation, including doctors performing a surgery, lawyers negotiating a contract, politicians sealing a deal, pharmacist fillin a prescription, recreational leaders coaching a sport, and so on and so forth, ought to be filmed. After all they all can be lethal, so I say film everything, more work for lawyers, which is what every cop in this department has become. Every single one of them has gone to school on the city's dime, all exempts, almost everyone of rank & all the old school bosses who studied while the blue shirts handle the policing business.

9/18/2016 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


All my camera will show is me hitting the hole and watching the squirrels in the parks!

Stay fetal!

9/18/2016 07:57:00 AM

Hey ass hole that's my spot. My beat, my hole. Go get your own you dip stick.

9/18/2016 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valuable tool ? Ok, when is the Bobby Rush traffic stop footage going to be released ? The one where the officers acted with nothing but professionalism - yet he beefs and says he was profiled ?
Unfortunately the law has a bizarre twist to it that exempts these recordings from the FOI act.

I think Rush could ask for it and release it but no one else can.

I have no idea why anyone would have thought this was a good idea.


9/18/2016 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can only hope that the right minded people that still live in Chicago will file FOIA's for the coverage of the everyday
The law generally exempts these recordings from the FOI act. IIRC, it was at the request of police organizations. No idea why they might have thought that was a good idea. I don't think a lot of thought was put into that aspect of the law.


9/18/2016 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To bad Eddie the cowardly hand puppet is just a tool and not useful!

Any Officer who views, promotes, works for or in anyway supports the nfl is soft. I quit watching and working for (bears) years ago, the players for the most part are felons with jobs. Fuck em all!

9/18/2016 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put body cameras on the alderpukes when they hustle money from the lobbyists.♠️

9/18/2016 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only time I'm turning that thing on is while I'm at the Urinal...

9/18/2016 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have any legit info on next Sgt's class? Coming soon or no? Seemed like many thought this past Friday &...nope

9/18/2016 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Release all video to reality TV shows
Let the world see what Chicago's Finest deal with 24/7
City of Chicago could solve all its financial problems , it would be a hit TV series

9/18/2016 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dip shit only 7,000 are on duty at a time!!! You won't take the camera home.

9/18/2016 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to retire.. This is never going to end

9/18/2016 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These assholes; city officials should have been paying for replacement vests. Instead of the Memorial Foundation (by the way I got a very nice letter from Art Hannus for mine which I treasure) having to go hat in hand for the funds.

Secondly, I was always told and stopped believing years ago thanks to SCC that CPS strength was 13,500. It seems like 7,000 is more likely a truthful number afterall which I was also suspicious of. But reglardless, I think we will start seeing the community portrayed by themselves in the manner that is supported by the violence statistics every Monday morning.

The problem with the violence is the Cook County Judicial system, not the police. If Toni's boys are out on the street, there will be crime in the neighborhoods. If they are in jail, crime will be in jail. The reason why this is not understood is because the poor leaders of this city, state and county value those who produce the crime as voting blocks. So what is it again cameras will do?

9/18/2016 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is my taser I was promised?

9/18/2016 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked the site and there are 34,000 videos that are not even matched to any event! The system does not even work and is growing day by day. Record everything, as a matter of fact, just record your whole shift the system will shit itself and the city will scrap the whole thing. As much as they tell you it will help you more than hurt you...that is total BS.

9/18/2016 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been a good idea to put cameras on those working at 35th Street. But that has not prevented the IG from actually uncovering proof of a cheating scandal on the Lieutenant's exam. Yes folks, it is true, and when it is made public, the fall out will be significant. Its far reaching up and down. Some will be charged criminally because they have profited from the cheating and some will be fired. If you accepted the promotion, and you cheated, you are getting locked up. If you cheated, and not yet gotten promoted, you will be fired.

Much of what has been assumed here is true, some is not. What is true is that the cheating occurred, proof has been obtained and heads will roll.

bug on the wall.

9/18/2016 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They only matter if you get jammed up. And if you arent doing Police work then you wont get jammed up, at least with anything you cant handle.

The entire shit show is a 20 year vaudeville act and as you dance off the stage they hand you your first pension check. I came on believing in what I was doing and wanting to make a difference. Dont be a dumb ass like me and take 20 years to learn better. Start dancing young.

9/18/2016 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: That means we only have 7000 officers! WOW! Where are all those budgeted salaries? 5400 short! Look no further at why there is all the violence! No patrolmen on the streets!

One of these days you will grow up and learn how to interpret information..... That's NOT what was said

9/18/2016 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long will it be before the city stiffs the vendors and then the camera program will become useless?

I give it a year!

9/18/2016 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all fooked. Wait for the inboard facing cameras in your squads. These and any other cameras are there to catch you slipping, not the bad guys. Don't say anything, don't do anything. This must be the police force people want.

9/18/2016 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dip shit only 7,000 are on duty at a time!!! You won't take the camera home.
9/18/2016 05:01:00 PM

Yes you will.

9/18/2016 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about cameras in the specialized units. How about for detectives.


They're coming.

And dicks already get a lot of shit on camera.

Don't purposely be an idiot.

9/18/2016 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dip shit only 7,000 are on duty at a time!!! You won't take the camera home.

9/18/2016 05:01:00 PM

Hey dip shit, everyone gets thier own camera!!!! Doesn't matter how many are on duty at anytime.

9/18/2016 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This WILL garantee 1000+ murders a year!

Stay fetal my friends!

9/18/2016 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I checked the site and there are 34,000 videos that are not even matched to any event! The system does not even work and is growing day by day. Record everything, as a matter of fact, just record your whole shift the system will shit itself and the city will scrap the whole thing. As much as they tell you it will help you more than hurt you...that is total BS.

9/18/2016 06:22:00 PM

Lol @ the system shitting itself...

Ditto on recording every damned thing until it's
so constipated with data until the ginormous shit-plug finally
blows in the faces of Rahm, the aclu, #bl(a)m
and the exempts...

Or until the city stiffs the vendors after a few years of
trying to make the nut for the exponential increase
in expense for archiving this flaming Police Persecution
goo-goo cluster put in place to try and save Rahm's political
bacon from the fall-out of suppressing the JVD/LmcD video...

If any head ever so richly deserves to roll, it belongs to
Rahm I. Emanuel.

Any additional conversatin' is nothing but pure jaw-jackery...

9/18/2016 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Hey dip shit only 7,000 are on duty at a time!!! You won't take the camera home.

Although you are correct, each officer is assigned his/her own camera. My camera is docked and charging when I'm not at work and is assigned to me, labeled with my star number on the back. They aren't like the radios which are used by all watches, the number of cameras does reflect the number of officers who will be using them.

9/18/2016 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep praying they get caught, get fired, go to jail no hell!

9/18/2016 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, you DO know we don't take the cameras home and wear them for 24hrs, right?
They are shared equipment. Every single officer does not get one camera.
(More like, one camera gets used by two to three officers in a 24hr period.)
You DO know they get taken off and handed to the next shift, right?

9/18/2016 12:34:00 PM

Um wrong

9/18/2016 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bug on the wall at 6:41...I hope & pray your rite. I am so tired of these smug cheating jerks walking around like they earned their promotion. It time for the scandal to come to the light!!!

9/18/2016 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie @ 10:03am - The vendor has already been selected: Axon, a subsidiary of Taser, Intl. who has good ol' Uncle Terry Hillard as an employee since he retired and also had time to organize a highly paid consulting firm, Hillard & Heinze. One of H & H latest hires is none other than the IAD Witch Debra Kirby. She recently returned from Ireland, where she plied her trade as a house cleaner for their police force.
Does the DOJ have any interest in reviewing how Axon got the contract, since the program is partially funded with federal grants?
Of course, but US Atty. Zachary Fardon is too busy indicting officers from an incident three years ago while Loretta Lynch tries to cover up the incident with the black panther who tried to run over the tree Phoenix officers as well as the shooting in Phildelphia which wounded two officers. There's no race war until a white officer shoots another blm advocate.

Retired .38 spl +P

9/18/2016 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be the official end of policing in the city. Good luck, if you think these are going to help you...

9/18/2016 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EVeryone has their own camera, they are not shared.

9/19/2016 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Special Ed, you going to load up the D unit next with body cameras so they can show the useless vermin that don't want to talk to anyone about anything. Let's see some of that citizen accountability for the $&!t they bring to the table

9/19/2016 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI there is only one camera assigned to one officer. There is no sharing between each shift. You are solely responsible for what you record on your assigned camera. With that being said stay fetal boys and girls.

9/19/2016 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The body camera aren't given out to multiple officers, one camera per officer and they are permanently assigned to that officer. They are handed in to be charged at the end of the tour. They aren't like radios. So the person talking about only 7,000 officers has some validity.

9/19/2016 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FTO's have to drag their PPO's infront of a sgt for every violation that is caught on camera? or will the city make FTO's supervisors they can do it themselves?


Come to 025 where the PPO's drag their FTO. Who's heard of am FTO that's not allowed to be with recruits?

9/19/2016 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Back in the day..." Yeah I know when an old wobblie starts a tale like that, the Gel heads run for the Starbucks. But, we had all kinds of talent on the job. Guys that worked for the telephone company automatically went to the Intelligence Division, stuff like that. But, clever guys. Some even started writing a blog on paper, called the "Gallows." Drove downtown nuts. There are some that believe they migrated to computers, and the bosses weren't any more pleased with that, since it gained a larger audience.

Hence, a positive spin on body cameras. There's got to be a few technically inspired folk capable on downloading the more interesting interactions between the police and the fine denizens that occupy our preferred turf. "CPDTV" would be a reality show hit! The highly trained bosses would never be able to I.D the creators. Give it a shot.

9/19/2016 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, you DO know we don't take the cameras home and wear them for 24hrs, right?
They are shared equipment. Every single officer does not get one camera.
(More like, one camera gets used by two to three officers in a 24hr period.)
You DO know they get taken off and handed to the next shift, right?

Completely wrong. Learn a thing or two about what you are talking about before you open you're mouth & spread bad info. It's basically impossible to share cameras.

9/19/2016 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord for getting me off this shit job.

9/19/2016 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow, somewhere, Terry Hilliard has his fingerprints on this. $$$$$$$

9/19/2016 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
EVeryone has their own camera, they are not shared.
9/19/2016 12:15:00 AM

Let's see if that holds up when they go citywide.

9/19/2016 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Hey dip shit only 7,000 are on duty at a time!!! You won't take the camera home.

Wow! Where the f@#$ do you work? NY?
Try 1,500 - 2,000 per shift.

Dip shit!!!

9/19/2016 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/18/2016 02:13:00 AM

You're obviously one of the smartest ones in your district. How about the fact that there are 3 watches...not everyone works at the same time. I know that math may be a hard subject for you while you're sitting on your ass shoving pastries in your mouth...but think before you speak, you'll seem a whole helluva lot less stupid.

9/19/2016 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can't wait to retire.. This is never going to end

9/18/2016 05:03:00 PM

This isn't the military, meaning there is no contract. So take your crying ass out of here please.

9/19/2016 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been a good idea to put cameras on those working at 35th Street. But that has not prevented the IG from actually uncovering proof of a cheating scandal on the Lieutenant's exam. Yes folks, it is true, and when it is made public, the fall out will be significant. Its far reaching up and down. Some will be charged criminally because they have profited from the cheating and some will be fired. If you accepted the promotion, and you cheated, you are getting locked up. If you cheated, and not yet gotten promoted, you will be fired.

Much of what has been assumed here is true, some is not. What is true is that the cheating occurred, proof has been obtained and heads will roll.

bug on the wall.

9/18/2016 06:41:00 PM

Wheezy(Lie-Tenant Fenner) says go out and get her some ISR's!!

9/19/2016 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All recordings made on crime scenes waiting for the lab will be subpoenaed along with the officer who wore the camera to explain why he contaminated the scene along with his supervisors after they fucked everything up by walking through the scene touching everything. Many suspensions looming. Don't volunteer to guard any scene. Don't get caught on video inside the yellow tape.See you at 26th st.

9/18/2016 02:44:00 PM

Of all the dumb comments in here regarding the cameras, I have chosen yours to respond to, because it's completely ridiculous. Police are allowed to walk through crime scenes. It's how they determine what is and isn't a crime scene. It's how they find victims, witnesses, evidence, etc. No one walks through a crime scene touching everything. No one is getting suspended for standing inside the yellow tape at a crime scene. The yellow tape isn't a magical border that represents the exact location where a crime scene starts and ends. It's a piece of plastic that we put up, tying it to whatever is available, to keep every random person around from walking through where the actual evidence is located. To protect the crime scene, you're most likely going to be inside the tape at some point. You're allowed to be there. They can subpoena all they want. None of that will change the fact that as an investigating officer on the scene of that crime, I am allowed to be inside the tape. If your dumb ass is caught on film trampling evidence or moving it around to wherever you want it to be, that's a different story. As far as volunteering for a crime scene goes, you may not have the option some day. You may be assigned to guard a crime scene. Refuse to do it and then you can worry about suspensions. Idiot. Just so you know, officers have been "caught inside the tape" on virtually every crime scene since the invention of cameras, and they haven't all been suspended. Do you think the BWC is some special new device capable of catching the police inside the magical yellow tape that blocks all other cameras? Have you ever actually been to a crime scene? There are cameras there filming everything. In short, you're a fucking moron. Stop trying to scare everyone with your bullshit.

Now for the other morons:

The cameras are assigned to an individual officer. They have your star number on them and are docked at the end of your tour. They can't be shared. If someone takes it out of the dock, it can't upload the videos that are saved on it. That guarantees that no one will be sharing cameras. If they were shared by multiple officers, the videos would never be uploaded, the camera's internal memory would be full, and nothing would be recorded once the memory was full. It just can't happen. Everyone has to have their own camera. I suppose they could have a rotating supply of cameras where one batch is docked while the others are deployed in the field, but that's not how they've chosen to do it at this point. Since the city is getting the cameras for free, they have no reason to try to save money by ordering fewer cameras.

For those of you saying you will just record everything, read the orders regarding the cameras. You can't record everything. You must inform people that they're being recorded. You can't just randomly decide to record roll call or meetings with some boss that is asking for numbers. Violating general orders and invading the privacy of citizens and coworkers isn't going to help you. Take the training, read the orders, and understand the law. Then maybe you can post on here about all the cool things you're going to do to teach the city a lesson about making you wear a camera. Until then, shut the fuck up, because you don't know what you're talking about.

9/19/2016 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't the military, meaning there is no contract. So take your crying ass out of here please.

9/19/2016 01:26:00 PM

There is a thing called a pension, which some of us would like to receive. You need 20 years for that. I also didn't see any crying. Maybe you should just keep quiet until someone asks you for your worthless opinion.

9/19/2016 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we all know HQ staff and the Media read this blog:

Cameras for all Command Staff 1st.
Cameras for all Captains and Lieutenants Second
Cameras for all Sgt's and non- Patrol Division Police Third. Especially the house mouses and CAPs officers and other Inside hidden job cops. Make those Cops be required to run the video for the Full Shift except for when in the Bathroom or Locker Rooms.

Total the number purchased.

Then Outfit the Patrol Cops.

I'll Offer to run the Video Storage for the CPD. 25 bucks per Quarter Hour of video storage per day. 500 hours pre-paid up front for 30 days. 12 month contract minimum. I'd even drop to 17.50$ per quarter hour but I want the full 12 months up front with an Option for a 5 year contract at 18.75$ per quarter hour for every year of the 5 year contract.

You can reach me at City Hall downstairs by the Bike Room.


You know who.

9/19/2016 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hence, a positive spin on body cameras. There's got to be a few technically inspired folk capable on downloading the more interesting interactions between the police and the fine denizens that occupy our preferred turf. "CPDTV" would be a reality show hit! The highly trained bosses would never be able to I.D the creators. Give it a shot.

9/19/2016 06:42:00 AM

What do you want to bet, the cameras that CPD get, will have some sort of tracer package to alert management if it is downloaded via an Unapproved by CPD device?

If you have the ability to review the footage on the camera without a computer...carry a smart phone and record the live stream.

9/19/2016 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I go from Dunkin Donuts to Starbucks to 7 eleven all day. Bring on the cameras...

9/19/2016 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the Detective's test scores??????

9/19/2016 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would absolutely LOVE to see the desk wear cameras! Most of them treat people like they're wasting their time by coming in for a report. Between playing on their phones, logged into facebook and personal calls I swear they shouldn't even get paid for being there!

9/19/2016 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This isn't the military, meaning there is no contract. So take your crying ass out of here please.

9/19/2016 01:26:00 PM

There is a thing called a pension, which some of us would like to receive. You need 20 years for that. I also didn't see any crying. Maybe you should just keep quiet until someone asks you for your worthless opinion.

9/19/2016 04:37:00 PM

I'm sorry...20 years? I vested at 10. City can't take shit from me at this point unless I get indicted and convicted.

9/19/2016 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm assigned to the radio room. Do I need to wear a camera?

9/19/2016 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually thinking that this job just isn't worth it anymore.....

9/19/2016 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FTO's have to drag their PPO's infront of a sgt for every violation that is caught on camera? or will the city make FTO's supervisors they can do it themselves?


Come to 025 where the PPO's drag their FTO. Who's heard of am FTO that's not allowed to be with recruits
He was putting them in lean and rest. The same Dbag who was in 010 on days. Before making FTO.

9/19/2016 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news media thinks that cameras are going to show everything. Only show one angle. It will provide the media with cheap fill for their shows while they run the one sided report. Makes their job easy and the police job impossible.

What the whole camera issue says is that the press and the city do not trust you in the least.

No one in the media is talking about the on going costs of these cameras. Forget hiring.

9/19/2016 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone said earlier in the post that the cameras are to watch you, not them. Well, DON'T EVER FORGET THAT! These cameras are being worn to gather evidence of any wrong doing or the appearance of any wrongdoing committed by you. Remember the nonsense procedural justice training. Even if you are technically doing things right if the "citizen" feels harmed in any way you will be held accountable. They will use the adage that you did not show "due respect that all citizens are entitled to receive." Remember, stay fetal and protect yourself. From a long time white shirt who knows what he is talking about.

9/20/2016 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you want to bet, the cameras that CPD get, will have some sort of tracer package to alert management if it is downloaded via an Unapproved by CPD device?

If you have the ability to review the footage on the camera without a computer...carry a smart phone and record the live stream.
9/19/2016 06:04:00 PM

Tracer package? If that costs one penny extra, just one, it will not be included.

9/20/2016 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry...20 years? I vested at 10. City can't take shit from me at this point unless I get indicted and convicted.

9/19/2016 09:13:00 PM

Yes, 20 years. Here's some interesting reading for you about your pension, and why 20 years is what we all aim for:

"Q: Approximately how much more would I receive if I retired after accruing 20 years, versus 19 years 11 months?
A: CURRENTLY, APPROXIMATELY $2,000 PER MONTH ($3,500 vs $1,500) PAYABLE FOR LIFE. In addition, if you are only eligible to receive a Money Purchase Annuity, you will NOT be eligible for future cost of living annual increases."

That's with one month shy of 20 years. You'd make $2000 less per month than someone who retires after 20 years of service. That number doesn't look any better with less than 19 years and 11 months on. So you enjoy your "pension" after 10 years. The rest of us will still be holding out for the real pension at 20 years.

9/20/2016 05:13:00 PM  

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